Europeanizing America

So, is it a good thing for America to become more like Europe? No, it isn’t. While we are silently and openly praying for the innocent victims of the attack by “Islamic Extremists” in Paris on Friday our current administration is devoted to Europeanizing America.

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAUiAAAAJDA3MWVlZGJiLTJmZDktNDY2Yi1iZDkxLTE0YmM3YmE0N2JiOAThe open society and open borders of European countries like France demonstrate actions have consequences. Well, isn’t that what is happening here in the United States. We have an open society and open borders. There is one huge difference, we are also in a grave state of denial. “It can’t happen here, they say.” Yes it can, and an attack will happen here. This is a war against our civilization. It has already commenced and the worst is yet to come.

Paris has “no go” areas where Sharia is the law and non-Muslims including the gendarmes are forbidden to enter. The same thing is happening in many American cities like Dearborn, Michigan. Islam is not a religion. Islam is a political, cultural, religious system of civilization that should not be protected by law in America. It will not coincide with, or work with, the United States Constitution and the American way of life. As American citizens, we must come to terms with this abomination. If we don’t, we will witness terrorists’ attacks at Steely Dan concerts, college football games, Red Lobster restaurants and popular night spots on South Beach. 

Thomas Jefferson said, “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none.” Interfering with other nations such as Iraq and Libya have proven disastrous. Obama, through inaction and lack of leadership, allowed Bashar al-Assad to lose control in Syria. That led to the strengthening of ISIS. Now we have Syrian refugees fleeing to Europe and instead of having a workable alliance with Russia and others, America is standing by and lamenting “Islamic Extremist” terrorist attacks. These attacks by an emboldened ISIS will continue in Europe and they will be on Europeanized American soil in the blink of an eye.

Finally, an author who brings you solutions, instead of problems.

Americans have lost faith in their overreaching federal government. “We the People” don’t need to be overregulated or have their taxes misspent. Americans are victims of a crumbling economy, high prices and stagnant wages. They view government as bloated and politicians as corrupt. They do not trust the leadership at any level. They see politicians of both parties as self-centered narcissists whose only objective is re-election. The author is like you, with one principal difference and 20 reasons for optimism. His “Vision” of America is “clear.” It is a vision of the Constitution and America the way it could be, the way it should be. The author’s eyesight is twenty-twenty.

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