My Culture: Right or Wrong

The politicians and the media have their panties in a bunch. They don’t know how to destroy the outspoken Donald. While many may not think Trump will be nominated for the presidency, or they may not like the manner in which he speaks, he is certainly resonating across America, what most of us think of as the “Real America.”

Let’s face it. The media doesn’t speak for “We the People.” They have no clue how we think. They live in their own “brainwashed bubble world.” They have their own statist agenda. The politicians only speak for themselves, for what is best for them, not what is best for “We the People.” Neither understand our culture and the reason why we want to preserve it.

ISIS, as the leading part of Extreme Jihadism, is waging war on the world on many levels. One is certainly our civilization. This is becoming a cultural war as well. Think Boko Haram Girls in Nigeria. Think Burkas covering women. Think women not allowed to drive cars or be educated.

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAadAAAAJGVkMWZhZTJmLWUwZWQtNDc2MC04NjRhLWZmYWE2OGRmMDQ5OQEurope opened its doors to Muslim immigrants in the 1970s. Sweden is a perfect example of the result of the policy politicians and the media will eventually bring to America’s shores. Swedish women are suffering the most from this failed policy. American women are next in line to suffer these degradations.

Muslim men brought with them an Islamic culture sanctioning rape. It is a culture inherently despicable in the treatment of its own women, but it also impacted the treatment of Swedish women. Under Sharia Law, Muslim women serve little more purpose beyond catering to their husbands’ sexual demands. A non-submissive wife runs the risk of being raped by her husband. American women will be next.



AAEAAQAAAAAAAAXuAAAAJDU3OTRhMmI5LTE3ZmEtNDU4ZC1hMWVhLTA4OTYxZTE3MzcwMQLiberals accuse conservatives of waging a “War on Women.” That is a lie. It is a falsehood of epic proportion. It is the liberal way of deflecting their disdain for women. If liberals cared about women, they would denounce the treatment of women by Muslims and Sharia Law. I do not need to enumerate all of the reasons here. We all know them. The question is, “are we in denial because of our political ideology, or our adoration for our favorite politicians.? Can we be honest with ourselves?” Wake up! Think for yourselves! Be “We the People” once more!AAEAAQAAAAAAAAVfAAAAJDQ5YTVhZTJkLTI1ZWYtNDhlMi04NjQwLTViNjczM2M2ODQwNw


The Australian rock group, Midnight Oil, published a song in 1993 entitled “My Country” I adapted the lyrics to apply to our culture.  

“Was it just a dream, were you so confused

Was it just a giant leap of logic

Was it the time of year, that makes a state of fear

Methods were the motives for the action”

And you heard me say: My culture: right or wrong.

“Did you save your face

Did you breach your faith

Women, there were children at the shelter

Now who can stop the hail

When human senses fail

There was never any warning, no escape”

And you heard me say: My culture: right or wrong. My culture oh so strong.

“I hear you say the truth must take a beating

The flag a camouflage for your deceiving

I know, yes I know

It’s written on your soul

I know, we all make mistakes”

And you heard me say: My culture: right or wrong. My culture oh so strong. This is not a case of blurred vision. Our culture will enter a black hole.

The burning question is not who is the slickest politician. It is not how many can be fooled by a dishonest media. The dilemma “We the People” face is: do we want to preserve our American culture, or do we want accept the culture of a political, cultural, religious beast from the Mid-East. It is our choice. My choice: my culture, right or wrong.

Finally, an author who brings you solutions, instead of problems.

Americans have lost faith in their overreaching federal government. “We the People” don’t need to be overregulated or have their taxes misspent. Americans are victims of a crumbling economy, high prices and stagnant wages. They view government as bloated and politicians as corrupt. They do not trust the leadership at any level. They see politicians of both parties as self-centered narcissists whose only objective is re-election. The author is like you, with one principal difference and 20 reasons for optimism. His “Vision” of America is “clear.” It is a vision of the Constitution and America the way it could be, the way it should be. The author’s eyesight is twenty-twenty.

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