20/20: A Clear Vision for America is the optimistic blueprint to restore American exceptionalism.
"Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question." - Thomas Jefferson
This book is a winner! A clear and concise plan for America! Thank you, Bill.
Put this book on every coffee table in America. The characters are relatable (I identify with Ron) and the conversations they engage in are very matter-of-fact, to the point, and a good representation of what is, what The Founders meant, and how Common Sense solutions are still very viable today. Each chapter's main points are summarized at the end reinforcing what has been read. Subjects that may have once seemed too complex for the average citizen to tangle with; one may walk away with a feeling that "we can make this happen.
I love the format of the consulting group (brain trust) and the conversational tone of their ideas. This book is an easy read on a complex subject. The creative ways you develop the solutions is ingenious. I especially like the chapter summary as it allows you to review previous chapters quickly and reference points. What a great timing for this much needed rhetoric. This book is forward thinking and develops a plan of action we so need in this country. It would be incredible to be able to develop a long range plan beyond party lines with only the success of our great country in mind. Thanks for sharing your expertise. I really enjoyed the read.
Politicians should read Bill Muckler's book and use his many idea's for saving America. A book that is well written, thank you Bill for writing it.
20/20: A Clear Vision for America" is a plan of common sense for our country, something our government has been lacking for many years. Some of the key points that I found enlightening are state rights, the United Nations, and immigration. The people know what is best for their state. They should have the power to regulate what is in their best interest.” State rights have gone back to our Founding Fathers, but our federal government has been shrinking the rights of the individual states. Coal producing states should not have to close down their mines simply because bureaucrats in Washington D.C. mandate it. On the United Nations, Bill Muckler hits the nail right on the head. “It is definitely time for the United States to get out of the United Nations and the United Nations to get out of the United States. On immigration, “Mexico annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States. It is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico.” The 20/20 Vision is to “Secure the southern border” and to “Allow all foreign nationals who are unauthorized immigrants and are now living within U.S. borders to register, free of penalty…with the U.S. Bureau of Immigration… As a Registered Nurse I am impressed with Bill’s plan for a Medical Military Academy for Physicians, and a Registered Nurses Academy. The purpose of these academies is to provide future professional medical personnel for the Armed Forces and to set high standards for medical training in the United States. I highly recommend Bill Muckler’s “20/20:A Clear Vision For America.” With a clear plan as proposed in this book, America can return to a country, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice (and work) for all.
Bill Muckler has written a vision for America that will finally get this country turned around and be where it should be once again, the best in the world! Bill lays out a genius method to have a group of friends and coworkers, the everyday people..'we the people' to discuss these ideas in an easy way to understand..very creative ways you develop solutions that are sorely needed now! The chapter summary's are fantastic, a unique approach not seen in most other books by other authors. Bill explains a plan of action we so need in this country, as I mentioned previously. The book is an important must read for everyone!
Most people my age accept the way that our government is, how our country runs. For those whom want to make a difference, they don't know how. I utilized this book in my literary classes in high school. Ever wonder how the government deals with their problems, our problems, and find the absolute solution, read this book.
There are three books every freedom loving, constitution loving American must own. First is the bible. Second is the Constitution of the United States of America. Third is 20/20: A Clear Vision for America. We the people can change our country and make her a better place. These are the most important books that you can own. Thanks Bill Muckler, for everything you do. Semper Fi Marine.