Dysfunction in the Bathroom

In 20/20: A Clear Vision for America I wrote:

The United States is at a crisis point. Dysfunction in Washington is rampant. The economy is crumbling. The country is on the wrong course. Solutions are scarce and appear unwanted by politicians.

This book, “20/20: A Clear Vision for America” brings rock-solid solutions to make our nation prosperous again, explains how to reinstate our Constitution, and how to give our children and grandchildren a bright future.

Color me stupid. I never could have imagined, with all of my research, that we would have an administration using the power of the Justice Department to tell us who can go in what bathroom. The Muckster cannot find a reference to sex or sexual identity anywhere in the Constitution.  So what’s up?


According to a UCLA study posted on June 4, 2011:

  • An estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of adults are transgender. This equates to an estimated 9,000,000 LGBT Americans.
  • Bisexuals comprise a slight majority (1.8% compared to 1.7% who identify as lesbian or gay).
  • Women are substantially more likely than men to identify as bisexual. Bisexuals comprise more than half of the lesbian and bisexual population.
  • There are approximately 700,000 transgender individuals in the US. (Included in the 9 million LBBT estimate.)



Since this study dates back to 2011, we can presume that the numbers may be greater now as population increases, or less if the study estimates are faulty.


In a serious of Sunday tweets, Princeton Professor Robert George criticized President Obama for promoting a belief “as absurd as” transgenderism.

On Friday, the Obama administration sent letters to every public school district in the country, urging them to allow students to use whatever bathroom and locker rooms they prefer.

Breitbart notes that George’s comments mirror a recent statement from the American College of Pediatricians, stating that “human sexuality is an objective binary trait… [and] a person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.”


Why is this a national issue today? Why is the Justice Department threatening the State of North Carolina to implement the directive to allow persons to “use the facilities” based on their sexual identity? Why is North Carolina refusing? Why are more than 20 sovereign states joining in on this dissent against the Justice Department? Why has Congress been bypassed?

Is this a serious issue concerning the safety of the republic? It may be a serious issue for the children in our “government indoctrination centers” if they policy is implemented throughout the country.

10917071_10205547402355198_24375890752065406_n-jpgIs Obama in My Stall?

Is Loretta Lynch going out on a limb all by herself, or is this coming from the White House? Is this an Obama initiative? I cannot recall him ever talking about this in a “State of the Union” address to the nation. Does anyone stray from this administration without permission? So why is where Americans go to the bathroom such an important issue today?

Is there a news story on the horizon that is about to break that the administration wants to divert our attention from? Maybe more than one. Here are a few:

  • Declassified documents show the Obama Administration created ISIS in 2012. ISIS was purposely created by the Obama Administration in part to isolate the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad. The documents predict the support given by the West, Turkey and the Persian Gulf Arab states to the Takfiri militants which would eventually lead to the establishment of a Salafist Principality in Eastern Syria. The Muckster remembers the “red line drawn in the sand.”
  • How’s this for a mucking nightmare? The Obama Administration has overseen more than 21,000 new federal regulations since 2009. New rules and regulations have hit an unprecedented high under President Obama, whose administration’s rules have filled 468,500 pages in the Federal Register. There are another 2,375 new rules on American businesses without first giving Congress an up or down vote. Is bathroom usage included in these 2,375 new rules? Is this a diversion for the 2,375?
  • The Muckster has dozens more smokescreen conspiracies to add. Think a gun grab. Benghazi. Bergdahl. TPP. Iran nukes. Iran money. Sanctuary Cities. Ben Rhodes lies. National Debt. Social Security. The VA. All issues to be covered up by political smoke bombs lobbed by an incompetent administration.


What is the result of this senseless stall stupidity?

A 39-year old transgender woman was shot to death in the women’s restroom of Bradford’s Department store in Colorado. The woman, Donna Wright (born Donald Wright), was shot after an altercation with 55-year old Kathleen Workman in the department store’s restroom.

The conflict began when Donna Wright started following Mrs. Workman into the women’s restroom. According to Workman, she politely asked Ms. Wright to use the proper restroom (referring to the men’s bathroom) and asked her to please stop following her into the women’s restroom.

No witnesses were available to corroborate Mrs. Workman’s account of the incident. She stated Ms. Wright became confrontational and combative. Donna Wright used explicit language with a raised voice towards her as she followed her into the restroom. Once both women were inside the empty restroom, Mrs. Workman told authorities that Ms. Wright continued to curse at her and started to display what Mrs. Workman considered aggressive body language.

Kathleen Workman told authorities she feared for her safety, pulled a handgun from her purse and once again asked Donna Wright to leave the restroom. This pissed Wright off who walked aggressively towards her.

According to police reports, Kathleen Workman, fearing for her safety, shot Donna Wright 3 times with her Kimber 1911 Ultra .45 caliber handgun striking her in the chest 3 times. Donna Wright was pronounced dead upon arrival of emergency respondents. Mrs. Workman is a licensed to carry, and conceal, the handgun used to shoot Ms. Wright. Due to a lack of witnesses and/or security footage, charges have not been brought against Mrs. Workman and the incident is being ruled as a shooting in self-defense pending further investigation.

Who is right and who is wrong in this incident? Is this typical of what will happen in the future as these “Politically Correct Smokescreens” are dictated by the Obama Administration? What will our children face in restrooms and showers?


Folks we ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

We the People” are the eventual losers in this faux battle over “rights.” Are they really rights? Are they civil rights? Most Americans don’t think so and neither do I.

The only way to keep the federal government out of our bathrooms, and our lives is to elect candidates who believe the best government is the one that is closest to home.

In 20/20: A Clear Vision for America, my research proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, that a small, limited government is best for the future of our republic.

Shouldn’t we let the states and communities decide if privacy in public bathrooms is an issue? Do we need to provide “safe zones” every time someone is confused or uncomfortable? Has America gone too far in this quest to provide a “nanny state?”

Is this all an evil scheme to fundamentally transform America into a dysfunctional dystopian state fostered by confused college professors who have a misguided, mistaken, foolish, ill-advised erroneous hallucination of America?

God Bless America and give us all the freedom of privacy in the restroom.


Finally, an author who brings you solutions, instead of problems.

Americans have lost faith in their overreaching federal government. “We the People” don’t need to be overregulated or have their taxes misspent. Americans are victims of a crumbling economy, high prices and stagnant wages. They view government as bloated and politicians as corrupt.

They do not trust the leadership at any level. They see politicians of both parties as self-centered narcissists whose only objective is re-election. The author is like you, with one principal difference and 20 reasons for optimism. His “Vision” of America is “clear.” It is a vision of the Constitution and America the way it could be, the way it should be. The author’s eyesight is twenty-twenty.

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