We Weren’t with Her

Last week, I wrote about who and what we were voting for. The results are in and the majority of electoral votes are designated for the Republican Candidate, Donald J. Trump. America became the real winner.

I explained how this election pitted the Elites against Middle America. I identified the players. I am still surprised that so many of the citizenry were enthralled with the elitism and corruption of Hillary Clinton. Surprised that so many are taken in by politicians who have no interest in them or their welfare, only their money and votes. How did we fall into this quagmire?

clinton-supporters“We’re with her” identified her followers with her big money cronies. How could so many people feel aligned with the maggot infested mainstream media, beltway insiders, Wall Street, college professors, bankers, arms dealers, trial lawyers, entertainment celebrities and some big money donors who crave influence such as George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and the political establishment?

Yet, so many adoring followers of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds were so jubilant about a politician of such questionably repute. And then, they were so crestfallen when defeat became apparent. How did we lose our dignity?

Middle American Was Not with Her

Middle America won. That’s who we are. You and me. Those who understand a small, limited government that is close to home; less regulations; and lower taxes are best for America. As I stated, this election ain’t about Trump. Trump is only the symbol of Middle America. It’s was always about big government versus us.

This is what Clinton’s “Naïve Adoration Society” was hoping for:

  • A Huge expansion of the welfare state
  • Endless Joblessness, and a higher minimum wage
  • No growth of Gross Domestic Product
  • A $25 trillion plus national debt
  • Thousands more pages of new regulations
  • Never-ending war and global conflicts
  • Continued violence in American cities
  • Open borders with amnesty for new voters
  • Free college education and lots of free everything
  • A secular society where “me, myself and I” are the centerpiece
  • And much more idiocy than I have space for on this page

Some Remarks from Social Media

My good friend and brother Marine, Lt. Col, Dick Reynolds, USMC Ret. wrote on Facebook:

In my lifetime, America has survived the Pearl Harbor attack, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, a presidential assassination, and the impeachment of another president. With the grace of God, we shall survive four years of a Trump presidency.


I believe we will prosper with a Trump Presidency. Not just survive but fix a lot of problems that are destroying America. Not all of them, but some. With Clinton as president we would find ourselves in a hole so deep we could never dig ourselves out. The bullet points listed above would be the “New Normal.”

Another good Facebook Friend, James Reed of Callahan, FL (a millennial) wrote on my message board:

Trump win's, my generation loses, if Clinton won, at least we'd be stable, now all of that is in question, time to look to other countries.

I replied: Trump won. America won. You do not speak solely for your generation. Election are not about generations; they are about what is best for all Americans. With Clinton in office you would be in the Armed Forces fighting a war in Africa or Asia and/or other countries.


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The bigger issue here is millennials want something for nothing. They truly believe the country owes them something. The truth is, they owe the country big-time. They need to shift the country into “Drive” instead of idling in “Neutral” or shifting into “Reverse.” My advice: stop whining, take off your soiled pampers, put on your big boy pants and get out of your “Socialistic Safe Zones.”

The following is a comment left on my webpage by Eva:

No Catholic should support a demonic woman like Hillary Clinton. . . She despises the Church. Hates Catholics. Hates the Vatican. Hates the Pope. Hates men leading in Catholic church. Hates men in general. She’s just a woman filled with hate. A truly “nasty woman.” But this, this is the lowest of low…advocating for a woman’s right to kill an unborn baby as per it’s sex, gender or special needs. Just evil. VOTE TRUMP.

Is Trump the greatest who will “Make America Great Again?” I doubt it, but now we at least have an opportunity. The Democrat “New Normal” gives us none.


We Don’t Need Another Ideologue

Trump is not an ideologue like the Clintons and Obama. My Democrat friends have fallen into a state of insanity over this idiotic ideology they embrace. They are no longer capable of coherent thought.

Wake up America

We don’t need crooked, corrupt politicians to run our lives or rule over our republic. They are not deities. They are not our saviors. They are not our heroes. And they certainly are not our leaders. So, as a deplorable, irredeemable basket case, I am so happy I am “not with her.” I did not vote for the most qualified candidate. Sadly, there were none. But I voted. Just for the least flawed candidate.

Never fear. This old Marine is here. I will run in 2020 to implement my 20/20 Vision to save America. Hold on, if you can, for another 4 years. Then you and I can vote for leadership and the solutions America needs to become exceptional.


Contributors to Bill's Campaign

Joan Anderson, Sam Anderson, Carrie Barton, Analiza Corbillon, Karen Dunman, Justin Elkin, Connor Gannon, Vlad Gheneli, Duane Holley, David Howe, Marianne Jones, Topper Jones, Samantha Legendre, Christa Leone. AJ Leone, Doris Manoli-Lyerly, John Moure, Linda Moure, Christian Muckler, Karen Muckler, Carl Muckler, Matt Muckler, Tim Muckler, Rick Phillips, Emelinda Portes, Don Slinkard. Don Smith, Carol Smith, Robert Spencer, Mark Starcke, Michael Starcke, Melanie Steinau. Gary Volosin, Elaine Wichmann, Dave Wilt, Steven Wroczynski

God Bless our new President.

God Bless us all and God Save our America. Our Constitution, our culture, our country, our civilization, our currency, our children, our liberty and our safety need you now more than ever.


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Finally, an author who brings you solutions, instead of problems.

Americans have lost faith in their overreaching federal government. “We the People” don’t need to be overregulated or have their taxes misspent. Americans are victims of a crumbling economy, high prices and stagnant wages. They view government as bloated and politicians as corrupt.

They do not trust the leadership at any level. They see politicians of both parties as self-centered narcissists whose only objective is re-election. The author is like you, with one principal difference and 20 reasons for optimism. His “Vision” of America is “clear.” It is a vision of the Constitution and America the way it could be, the way it should be. The author’s eyesight is twenty-twenty.

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