Why, Oh Why, Do I Hate Millennials?

In my previous article, “Why Oh Why, Do I Love Millennials” the Muckster proved he was falsely accused of hating Millennials. Now, I have to be “fair” and present the other side of the issue. Why do so many Americans hate Millennials? Why can’t they relate to millennials and understand the horrible plight of the youth of America. Well, here I go alienating readers again. If I do, feel free to let me know. We have a comments section at the end of each article. First, let’s start off with the name Generation Y.

They didn’t like that name so they changed it to Millennials, aka Gen Y. Is that part of the problem?


MillennialsMillennials know everything for sure that isn’t so.

One thing the Muckster and my old people friends don’t get is how the Millennials can come to the absolute conclusion that we don’t understand them. We do understand them. We have been out in the open in this world for a long time and have seen a lot . . . a lot more than most Millennials will ever see in a lifetime. We listened and learned when we were young. We get it.

Most people over forty think Millennials just exist, they don’t contribute anything meaningful to society or the economy. They live in their parent’s basements. Their mom is their babysitter who does their laundry, cooks their meals and buys their iToys. The opportunities are there, but they don’t want to start at the bottom and work their way up through the maze of risk-taking and skill development. They don’t want to work long hours. They don’t have what it takes to learn from experience. They already know it all. They will never accomplish anything with this attitude.

They want to make a lot money. They are entitled to start at the top. They want everything free. Free education. Free health care. Free housing. Free food. Free vacations and holidays. Forgive my student loans! It’s not my fault the economy is all screwed up. Gimme, gimme, gimmee! 


Millennials-BrokeThe Millennials have a holy trinity: Me, Myself and I.

Millennials don’t have manners and regard civility as meaningless and stupid. They use foul language because they have no concept of vocabulary, grammar or proper pronunciation. They speak in clichés. They think reality idols are leaders and people to glorify. Much of their music glorifies drugs and crime and denigrates women. They lash out at criticism without stopping to think there might be a better way to learn and build relationships. They won’t listen because they don’t think anyone who is over forty has anything of value to add to their overwhelming, overbearing arrogance.

They build artificial relationships on line, but cannot hold a conversation with a real person, in person. They communicate by texting instead of talking on their phones. They rely on social media as their source for all that is important. They think their followers are real friends who will stand by them. They get their news from YouTube rants and Twitter bites. They don’t read because it is so much easier to watch a 2-minute video. They have no clue how to research or verify anything they see. They don’t stand up for beliefs or principles in person but they do on Facebook.


Newsday-Occupy-Oakland-Flag-BurningMillennials have turned our culture upside down.

No have no respect for country, flag, military, police or elders. They have no respect for those who have fought to make this an exceptional republic. They listen to politicians who tell them we are not supposed to be exceptional. They have no sense of history and don’t appreciate it. Millennials think the republic was given to them in the year 2001 because they are the chosen ones who are to inherit their rightful place on earth.

They don’t believe religion has any value. They believe morals are stupid wastes of energy. Good is bad and bad is good. Take advantage of everybody and everything. They are the entitled generation; therefore, they owe nothing.

Get started. Now. We want Millennials to Succeed.

Get a starter job. Learn what it is like to work hard and experience the joy of accomplishment. Get out of the basement and explore the world. Find the satisfaction of charity and voluntary work. Help others. Experience that it is really better to give than to receive . . . that goes for time and effort as well as money. 

Be Human Engineers.

Appreciate what a fascinating world this is when you participate in its achievements. Eat dinner with your family. Converse with them and your neighbors. Share your thoughts with them. Be a part of your family, neighborhood and community. Get a hobby and some outside interests.

Take off your pampers and put on your big boy pants. Stop whining and accept responsibility. I have a lot of faith in you. I need you to carry on for me and the rest us old people who you will miss when you are my age.



God Bless Millennials and God Bless America. Our country, our Constitution, our culture, our civilization and our grandchildren need you now more than ever. I pray that Millennials are a Great Generation.


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Bill-Buckler-Bio-01-1Finally, an author who brings you solutions, instead of problems.

Americans have lost faith in their overreaching federal government. “We the People” don’t need to be overregulated or have their taxes misspent. Americans are victims of a crumbling economy, high prices and stagnant wages. They view government as bloated and politicians as corrupt.

They do not trust the leadership at any level. They see politicians of both parties as self-centered narcissists whose only objective is re-election. The author is like you, with one principal difference and 20 reasons for optimism. His “Vision” of America is “clear.” It is a vision of the Constitution and America the way it could be, the way it should be. The author’s eyesight is twenty-twenty.

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