My Glass didn’t Runneth Over

I watched President Obama on the Monday evening TV news deliver his address from the LeBourget, France on “Climate Change.” I listened attentively as he described the devastating effects of “Climate Change” on just about everything including the polar icecap on the state of Alaska. The president stated that Alaskan cities and shores were being destroyed by this massive meltdown. Doom and gloom have arrived in full force. I have to save the planet.  

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My Culture: Right or Wrong

The politicians and the media have their panties in a bunch. They don’t know how to destroy the outspoken Donald. While many may not think Trump will be nominated for the presidency, or they may not like the manner in which he speaks, he is certainly resonating across America, what most of us think of as the “Real America.” Let’s face it. The media doesn’t speak for “We the People.” They have no clue how

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The ISIS CR*ISIS: refugee or immigrant?

Am I wrong on this one? I usually always resort to “follow the money.” But my sniffer cannot pick up the money scent on this ISIS phenomenon. I feel like Ozzie singing “Can you help me occupy my brain?” is Paranoid.  There must be more to this than we know. Is it votes? The politicians have made this a humanitarian/security crisis. The left, following the White House lead, states that we must help the Syrian

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Mizzou Pamper Raids

Before I enrolled at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri there were stories of riotous “Panty Raids” on campus. Student unrest was pandemic. Alas, all of this came to screeching halt before I arrived. Our president was Frederick Middlebush, affectionately known as Freddie Centershrub. Male students were shameless sexists who offended female students; beer flowed in the frat houses; the confederate flag was flown at football games; and “Dixie” was sung more often than

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Bill Muckler appears on the Scott Adams Show to discuss the recent terrorist attacks on Paris and student protesting at the University of Missouri

On Friday November 13, the world watched in horror as six separate suicide-bomber terrorist attacks were perpetrated in Paris, killing 129 people and injuring over 352 with at least 99 of these individuals sustaining serious injuries. ISIS has since claimed responsibility for the six attacks. The targeted sites included the Stade de France where French President Francois Hollande was watching a soccer game, the Bataclan, a concert hall where the lion share of the fatalities

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Europeanizing America

So, is it a good thing for America to become more like Europe? No, it isn’t. While we are silently and openly praying for the innocent victims of the attack by “Islamic Extremists” in Paris on Friday our current administration is devoted to Europeanizing America. The open society and open borders of European countries like France demonstrate actions have consequences. Well, isn’t that what is happening here in the United States. We have an open

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Bill Muckler appears on Jim Brown’s “Common Sense Sunday” Radio Show

Where’s the common sense in America today? We have record deficits, and spending is out of control in both Washington and in state capitols across the country. Americans overwhelming have lost confidence in both political parties. Our elected officials constantly vote along party lines with little regard for the public interest. The average citizen is too often confused and just doesn’t know who to trust. Jim Brown is a radio voice of reason on the

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Bill Muckler Appears on the Mike Siegel Show to Discuss “20/20: A Clear Vision for America

Listen to the new interview!    Mike Siegel is an American radio talk show host. Siegel is a native of New York, Jewish and a political conservative. He has worked on stations from Seattle’s KVI to Boston’s WRKO and hosted a webcast. A media giant, a pop culture icon a big mouth lawyer, a liberal-turned-conservative, an advocate of business , a bit of a healthnut and a good momma’s boy from Brooklyn. learn more Finally, an author who brings

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Do “We the People” have to Repeat History?

It looks like we have to travel down that road again. But do we have the strength and courage? It is up to a few of us. Are you doing your part? Your best? Are your making any kind of sacrifice at all? Be honest! We only go back to the beginning when we are at the end. Thomas Jefferson wrote this about 240 years ago.  The question is the same today as it was 240

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Media Plays Gotcha with Ben

Chuck Todd of NBC pushed the plunger on “Meet the Press” to detonate the media last Sunday when he asked Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson if he thinks Roe v. Wade. should be overturned. Dr. Carson said he would not support abortion under even controversial circumstances. Asked if he would make allowances for rape and incest, Ben said “no.” Dr. Carson went on to say, “During slavery, a lot of the slave owners thought that

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Concealed Carry Causes Crime: True or False

More studies and more political rhetoric concerning “gun laws “are dumped on “We the People” every day. To date, there has never been a study, or incident, to prove “Cancealed Carry” causes crime. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The NRA is on the side of the individual

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Benghazi Attack: Clinton’s Unbelievable Response

Hillary Clinton will return to Capitol Hill Thursday to give her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. She’s expected to face questions about events surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi — where Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed — as well as her private e-mail setup. Most politicians are capable of stretching the truth on occasion. But this question, this setting, and this egregious a lie suggest that

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IN THE NEWS: WE THE PEOPLE are suffering because some choose NOT TO VOTE!

This election is vital because it will include an aspect of voting that has not occurred in such magnitude in the past: Illegal immigrant voters. Any sane citizen of the US can see that with such an influx of illegal immigrants that are to a degree being tracked, those illegal immigrants will be tracked down by the Democratic Party and ushered to vote for the candidate that will allow them to stay. This could change

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Americans Abandoned by our Leadership

President Obama and Secretary Kerry have proven yet again that they have only one goal in mind: Political Self-Preservation. President Obama and Secretary Kerry have proven yet again that they have only one goal in mind: Political Self-Preservation. If the American presidency had any clout whatsoever, it would have demanded the release of these journalists immediately “or else.” But, this is just another symptom of our current administration. That we are making deals with countries

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Liberty And Freedom

I’ll never forget a sunny Saturday morning in June 1958 when a group of tanned, chiseled candidates stood to take the oath of an Officer in the United States Marine Corps. I still remember solemnly swearing with pride to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. That oath was taken with joy in a nation filled with an enthusiastic spirit, full of energy and excitement over the bountiful prospects that lie

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A Republic of Lawlessness

Barack Obama has told the citizens of the United States and the world that he will use his pen and his phone to get what he wants. When he presented his latest immigration plan for America, he in fact presented his plan for amnesty to the American people, Barack Obama cited his belief in the rule of law.  Nonetheless, in his willingness to ignore constitutional precedent, ignore the established law on immigration, and ignore the

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The Increasing Cost of Government

The mathematical postulate of the 80-20 Rule tells us twenty percent of the people in the United States are paying eighty percent of the tax burden. And they are paying upwards of 50 percent of their wages. While this is mathematically accurate, does it tell the whole story? According to the American Community Survey, annual median household income rose 1.3 percent in 2006 to $50,233.00. In “governmentese,” real median household income in the United States

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What Price Population?

“Where the heck did all of these people come from Stella?” “I don’t know Sam. The caterer says we’re running out of canapés and there aren’t enough tables, chairs, place settings, food and drinks for all of these extra people.” “How many people were invited to the wedding Stella?” “Amy had 250 on the original invitation list. Then, some people were offended, and there was a lot of pressure to invite more guests. We were

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Newtown Families File Law Suit

Nine families who lost a child or adult plus one teacher who was shot but survived the Sandy Hook massacre of 2012 have filed a complaint lawsuit against the companies that manufactured and sold the Bushmaster AR-15 rifle used in the devastating attack. The complaint faces an uphill battle because of an ill-conceived federal law designed to eliminate accountability against irresponsible companies and dealers who promote and sell guns. The court will have to be

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Our Children’s Children

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” This Greek Proverb means many things to many people. Does it mean seniors should do nice things for their children, or is there a deeper meaning? Does it mean we are responsible for the future? Perhaps this interpretation leads us to what should happen in America today. A country grew great two hundred and thirty-nine years ago

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