Who Owns You and Your Doctor?

This is all you need to know about the new and the old health care bills currently being debated in Congress and distorted by the “Shady Stream Media” (SSM). It’s “Obamacare” vs. “Trumpcare” in a Heavyweight Championship Match. If you are a GOAT (Goofy Obama Adoration Team) zealot you hate Trump and despise Trumpcare. If you are a RHINO (Really Hypocritical Incompetent Nettlesome Oaf) you are a racist bigot who despises Obamacare. Who will win?

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To Drain, or Not to Drain, the Swamp?

That’s the question. But can it be accomplished? Let’s look closer.Washington, DC was not built on a swamp. The Muckster is on record to dispel that myth once and for all. Our nation’s capitol was built on hard ground. Yeah, it’s a popular myth, but like Washington, DC, it just isn’t factual. The image that persists is that Washington politicians have developed it into a figurative swamp teeming with all sorts of vermin and venomous

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Heroines: Women in Military Service

America has been blessed with countless heroes, many of which served in our Armed Forces to defend our freedom, liberty and our Constitution. Thank heavens, American females have stepped up to play important roles as well.While politicians are attempting to convince the American public that women are underpaid, overworked and unappreciated, I must vehemently disagree, as women in America also disagree. American women are strong, responsible, self-reliant and no, they do not see themselves as

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Working Women Who Never Took a Day Off

I love women. I think everyone knows that from what I have written in the past. Take my mom for instance, she never took a day off. She is numbered among the greatest women on this planet. She is a “Marine Mom.” There are none better.Why do women have to take a day off to prove they are somebody we already know? Could there be a political agenda behind this “International Women’s Day?” The March

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Press 2 for Rape

Adult content. Rated X. Take guns away from law-abiding citizens. That will save lives. Oh wait, law-abiding citizens don’t shoot people. Take rape away from law-abiding citizens. Oh wait, law-abiding citizens don’t rape women (or men, to be gender equal). So, what the heck is going on in this country I want to save from evil. Press 2 for . . . That’s one consequence of this evil our corrupt politicians are forcing on American

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Manmade Climate Change: The Hoax Continues

Muckster: I'll answer the question. You want answers?  Skeptic: I think I'm entitled!Muckster: You want answers?!  Skeptic: I want the truth!Muckster: You can't handle the truth! We live in a world that exists on a changing climate due to many factors such as sunspots, El Niño and La Niña and natural disasters. Environmentalists trying to understand why they are morally, intellectually or scientifically superior to their inferior opponents are, themselves, using climate change as an identity crutch. They always reject

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Mankind’s Greatest Hoax: Manmade Climate Change

The Lovely Lainey drove me to Cocoa Beach to survey the shoreline. Good news readers. The water has not risen despite the scare tactics and naïve ideology of the leftists. I need to keep my faithful friends updated since my last climate change article entitled “My Glass didn’t Runneth Over” posted on February 18, 2016. http://2020americabook.com/my-glass-didnt-runneth-over/ I received a lot of heat from the GOATS and other climate pseudo-intellectuals denouncing my findings. They deplored my

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Democrats Double Down on ‘Dem “Ds”

Don’t you just love the Democrats. I do. If it wasn’t for the GOATs, I would have nothing interesting to write about. The RHINOs are just too dull and frankly, they don’t do anything. They’re afraid the MSM will call them racists, bigots, homophobes, et al. if they say or do anything. Donald Trump won the election by 74 Electoral Votes. The Democrats are in denial stating they won the popular vote by about 3,000,000

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It’s the Two Pipelines, Stupid

My curiosity made me wonder why Hillary Clinton was so invested in the Middle-East and why did she and Obama desperately needed to coverup the death of the four Americans in Benghazi in 2012. One short inquiry led to hundreds of pages of research material. This is the fourth, and I hope, final installment of the Hillary Clinton/Benghazi saga. I know no one will want to read a 77-article series on this subject. I sifted

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It’s the Pipeline, Stupid

Okay, I confess. I’m the stupid one. Why did it take the Muckster so long to figure this out? Follow the money? Oil is big money. Follow the big money? Right? Guess what? Natural gas is big money as well. Right again. I was shocked to learn the real story about Benghazi. I thought a short article would convey the expose'. Now I am writing the third story in the Hillary Clinton/Benghazi saga. It just

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Fascism: Right at Home at Cal-Berkeley

When the Muckster was a youngster, America was immersed in a World War against fascism. The “Axis Powers” of Germany, Italy, and Japan signed the Tripartite Pact, on September 27, 1940, which became known as the Axis alliance. Even before the Tripartite Pact, two of the three Axis powers had initiated conflicts that would become theaters of war in World War II. fascism [fash-iz-uh m] The dictionary definitions are as confused as most people I talk with on this subject.

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Benghazi: The Rest of the Forbidden Story

Now we know why Obama sent Susan Rice to the Sunday Morning News Shows. She was sent out to cover up, not the deaths of our four people in Benghazi, but to cover-up the planned sarin gas in Syria. Of course, the upcoming election was an important consideration as well. It would be tough to even convince the GOATS to vote for someone who was planning to gas little children to depose a dictator. http://2020americabook.com/hillary-did-what/

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Hillary Did What?

Folks, you’re not going to believe this one because I did not believe it either, until I researched and studied it for several weeks.The Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria on August 21, 2013. British intelligence states the sarin gas that was used didn’t come from Assad’s stockpiles. I wrote a 7-article account in

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Mr. Despicable Strikes Out Again

I wrote “Judge Gorsuch is Big League” for a March 22nd article. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Neil Gorsuch has a stellar record and his decisions have held up 98 percent of the times they were appealed. His only case that went to the Supreme Court was affirmed. He is a Constitutionalist, not an ideologue. That is exactly what America needs today and in the future. http://2020americabook.com/judge-gorsuch-is-big-league/ We don’t need “no stinking

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Justice Until 2050?

Judge Neil McGill Gorsuch was confirmed on April 7, 2017 for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, filling a 14-month vacancy. Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch will be 50 years old on August 29th of this year. I estimate he will serve on the Supreme Court until 2050, or until he is 82 years of age. That’s a big win for “We the People” who can look forward to a period of judicial stability in

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Vetting Ain’t Happening Folks!

What exactly is this vetting everyone is talking about? Vet is a verb meaning: make a careful and critical examination of (something). Vetting is a: gerund or present participle. Synonyms are: check, examine, scrutinize, investigate, inspect, look over, screen, assess, evaluate, appraise; informal check out THE BRITISH: investigate (someone) thoroughly, especially to ensure that they are suitable for a job requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness. President Trump called for a new screening test in a speech

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Press 2 for Death

America is divided over many issues, mostly political, but some cultural. Of course, the cultural issues are typically linked to politics such as the phenomenon I have forewarned for more than twenty years: political correctness. Political correctness did not start in the United States in the 1990s. Progressive politicians adopted “political correctness” it from their leader, Karl Marx, in his “Communist Manifesto” written in 1848. One of the most devious methods imposed on the unsuspecting

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Judge Gorsuch is Big League

In May, 2016, I wrote an article that is posted on this Web Page entitled: “No Justice for ‘We the People.’” I explained how the nomination of Chief Judge Merrick Garland by President Obama was sent to, and received by, the Senate on March 16, 2016. That was one year ago. The question was, should a sitting president in the last year of his elected term, be allowed to nominate a candidate for the Supreme Court?

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Colleges Lock Free Speech Doors

The Muckster seems to recall from his college days that “critical thinking” was a desired trait. “Open your minds to all areas of thought,” we were taught. That was in the days of darkness on college campuses. Progressive socialist college professors were not yet fully tenured. That’s what a Columbia University student was telling passers-by on campus as he handed out flyers for an event calling for a new socialist order in response to Donald

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The Worst Money Can Buy

A year ago, I was invited to speak at the campus of Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, Florida. I was greeted and welcomed by Faith Doski, the President of the Republican Club, and several others. They were attired in dresses and business suits or classroom attire. The professionalism, grace and class exhibited by these young students was truly uplifting.

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Oscar, Oscar. Who’s Got the Oscar

The Muckster is going to make many new enemies with this article, but then again, I may make a few new friends and find some kindred souls who see this Oscar charade for what it really is. This annual phenomenon is watched by millions of people so therefore we should have a smattering of knowledge of how the process works.The work is really done behind the scenes. Just like politics. The onstage presentation is only

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He’s the Guy. Or is He?

Okay, I know. I capitalized the “H” in the headline. He is not a deity. There is only One. But the rules for capitalization are supposed to be followed. Much the same as the rule of law and the rules of civility should be followed. Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America. It’s official. He was inaugurated. He is in the White House. He is the “guy.” Like it

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You Might Still be a GOAT if . . .

If you read my previous article, “You Might be a GOAT if . . .” you know I am not a fan, nor a worshiper, of the political establishment. I’ve have predictably called out politicians for what they are: career oriented, unethical, self-serving, self-centered, egotistic, narcissistic, immoral, shady, corrupt vermin. They are on the bottom of my list of most despicable lifeforms. My list of bottom feeders is as follows:

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You Might be a GOAT if . . .

I’ve been reflecting on my calling out politicians for what they are: self-serving, self-centered, egotistic, narcissistic, immoral, shady, corrupt vermin. As you can see I’ve softened my language as I am not referring to them as cockroaches and bedbugs. The cockroaches and bedbugs protested that I was not only racist but a “pestophile” by lumping them in with politicians.This, however, leads one to wonder who put these vermin in office and who gives them the

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Who are You?

Your humble correspondent is often asked to write articles for newspaper and magazines, print and online, from time to time. I wrote an article for the Florida Times-Union for a holiday edition. It was an edited selection from 20/20: A Clear Vision for America to explain how Americans can and must find common ground and to learn how to live and work together as one.

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6th Best or 44th Best US President? You Decide

If you have read my previous articles you know that I am a Racist. So, with that out of the way, let’s examine the love/hate relationship Number 44 has with America’s snowflakes and cupcakes otherwise known as the Goofy Obama Adoration Team (GOAT) and then I will do what I abhor most. Giving grades to politicians, athletes, etc. Barrack Hussein Obama will go down as the 1st African-American US President. His father was born in

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The Great American Distraction: IJETOF and the GOATs

I typically get ideas for these articles from two sources, questions people ask me and questions I ask myself. Lately, I have been wondering what ISIS is up to. They have faded from the news but I’m sure they have not stopped their beheadings.So, what’s up. The GOATs (Goody Obama Adoration Team) has buried the Islamic Jihadist Extremist Terrorist Organization Franchises (IJETOF) somewhere deep under the editor’s desks. How did they do that? Easy. They

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44 – We Never Knew You

While watching TV, and reading the hype about the great lovefest of the last eight years, I decided to examine the major issues to determine the real facts. I’ll present those in my next article, although I’m believe we know them all by now. I’m confident this will not be a well-received article by some, but hey, the story is straight from the self-centered mouth. Outgoing President Barak Obama, the US 44th president gave his

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Should We Burn Our Flag?

Some say yes. Some say no. What do you say?Since I have been pushing my readers, family, friends and everyone else I know, or have yet to meet, hard to be a part of my new book 20/20: A Clear Vision for Our Future, I thought it would be interesting to give you a glimpse of what is in the book. The following is an excerpt (still unedited) from Chapter 5 of the original manuscript

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Saluting Our Flag

With the many problems the world is facing, living in the United States of America is certainly a blessing and certainly not the most difficult or harsh human existence. As a young man, I had the opportunity to receive structure and discipline through school and a tour of duty in the United States Marine Corps.Those who do not, miss the opportunity to appreciate what we have. I took pride in learning the Marine Corps salute

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True Leadership: A Christmas Story

On Tuesday, January 13, 1915, shortly after I published 20/20: A Clear Vision for America, I wrote an article for my website. It was entitled “Liberty and Freedom - A CLEAR VISION.” I sought to share why I wrote 20/20: A Clear Vision for America and where my vision of America came from. Where it was born, and nurtured.I wrote about my experiences as a newly commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps. The

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Who Foots the Bill?

The Lovely Lainey and I were watching the parade of pundits on the TV news explain to us why certain government cabinet and agency appointments are brilliant or why they are the worst thing that could happen to America.Of course, it is obvious the mainstream media is fully invested in making sure we are all made aware of the coming destruction of America by the new Trump Administration. One expert compared the next four years

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It Never Happened

Believe it or not, this past week never happened. It is the Friday after Thanksgiving Dinner. We are watching the many events and news that never happened. Wow, this stuff is difficult to keep up with. America, and most likely the entire planet, is in the same predicament. What is true? What is false? What is reality? What have we been told that has been totally made up? Fake is the new normal.What got this

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Is There a Perfect Gift for That Special Someone?

Yes, it’s that time of year again. The season to be merry. Christmas. But that presents its own special problems. Presents. What do I buy? And how much do I spend? Is there a perfect gift for that special someone? Yes, there is. Christmas Shopping Made Easy for you from me. The Muckster has arrived with the perfect solution to your Christmas dilemma. After all, I am the solutions guy. I’ve made this so easy

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We Weren’t with Her

Last week, I wrote about who and what we were voting for. The results are in and the majority of electoral votes are designated for the Republican Candidate, Donald J. Trump. America became the real winner.I explained how this election pitted the Elites against Middle America. I identified the players. I am still surprised that so many of the citizenry were enthralled with the elitism and corruption of Hillary Clinton. Surprised that so many are

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Two Flaws Won’t Repair a Shattered Republic

Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into, the Lovely Lainey stated as she echoed the words of that great early American philosopher Oliver Hardy. We were walking out of the Cocoa, Florida Library last week after performing our sacred duty of voting in the next election.We weren’t certain of our schedules at that time so we both decided to vote early. The officials were very polite and courteous and the process was very

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Read Why I am a Racist

The Muckster is learning new stuff every day. Almost as fast as I am losing friends. But that’s okay. I am fulfilling my vision of bringing news to all of us unwashed, mindless souls who are still clinging to our guns and bibles. News that most of us do not see delivered by the Mainstream media (MSM).What Did I Learn Today?Today, I learned that I am a racist. How do I know? I read it

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Hitler, Clinton and the Catholic Spring

Yes, I am a practicing Roman Catholic. I am writing this article as a citizen concerned about the Catholic Church specifically, all Christian Churches in general and the Constitution of the United States of America. I am currently writing a second 20/20 Vision book entitled 20/20: A Clear Vision for Our Future. In this book I explore “Restoring the Constitution.” I researched the First Amendment. It reads:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,

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20/20: A Clear Vision For Our Future

See Your Name in My New BookI’m writing another book and need names for some of my new characters. I want to write real people just like you, or a loved one, into the narrative with my other problem solvers. Just think, you will be famous forever – in print and in eBook.I am introducing new characters to advance the narrative. You can be a fellow compatriot by playing a special role in the storyline.

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Am I Deplorable or Irredeemable?

I hope you know what basket you’re in, because I’m not sure what basket I reside in. The Muckster is faced with a dilemma. I don’t know who I am. The politicians have left me clueless. Hopefully, this article will article will provide the answer.Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC), the Democrat nominee for President made the following statement at a New York fundraiser Friday night, September 9th, with liberal donors and Barbra Streisand in the audience,

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Ban Assault Bathtubs

I was getting ready to take a shower after my daily stint on the treadmill when I stopped to check my email and learn what’s new on the internet, and in social media. I came across an article that scared the bejesus outta me. The Atlantic reported that President Barak Hussein Obama frequently suggests to his staff that fear of terrorism is overblown, with Americans more likely to die from falls in tubs than from

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Your Lyin’ Eyes (road trip!)

August is birthday month for my family and friends. Countless numbers of birthdays. Last weekend, the Lovely Lainey and I decided to drive to south Florida to celebrate the weekend with sister Joan who, guess what, had another birthday. I don’t ask the age of ladies because I don’t want them to lie to me.Nonetheless, on the drive south, I was riding shotgun and fiddlin’ with the radio. A talk show host caught our attention

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Recession? or Recovery?

The absence of terror attacks has turned the politicians and the propagandists into once again discussing the economy. News of the 1.2 percent growth of the Gross National Product on Friday, August 5, 2016 fanned the flames a tiny bit. This will last until the candidates and the mainstream media find something else to wrap their shallow minds around.Something like the last stupid statement the Donald made; or news about Hillary’s emails or some lie

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Yes, we have no Solutions Today

I confess. The Muckster has fallen into the trap of candidate-watching on the tele. I am attempting to find a candidate, any candidate, that has a solution to anything. To date, I have failed miserably. Yes, we have no solutions today.When the Muckster was a youngster, there was a recording of a song called “Yes, we have no bananas today.”  There are loads of versions and bunches of accounts as to the origin of the

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Quantitative Easing or Quantitative Fraud?

I was listening to the news on the radio on our drive back from Mass last Saturday evening. There was a news story about the economy, the National Debt (Capitalized because it is HUGE), interest rates, money supply and Quantitative Easing. Actually, not all of the above stuff was in the story, but the story alluded to all of this if one really paid attention and understood what is happening to our currency in America.The

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Why, Oh Why, Do I Hate Millennials?

In my previous article, “Why Oh Why, Do I Love Millennials” the Muckster proved he was falsely accused of hating Millennials. Now, I have to be “fair” and present the other side of the issue. Why do so many Americans hate Millennials? Why can’t they relate to millennials and understand the horrible plight of the youth of America. Well, here I go alienating readers again. If I do, feel free to let me know. We

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I am a Most Unhappy Man

It’s not easy being a big bank these days. Consumers hate them, shareholders have beef with them and regulators can’t figure out what to do with them. — Halah Touryalai, Forbes StaffWe hear it every day. The Democrats wage war on the Republicans by stating that the income gap is greater than ever before. They shout executives make millions while the employees make minimum wage. It’s not fair, they say.Raise the minimum wage and life will

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Why, Oh Why, Do I Love Millennials?

The Muckster has been accused of hating millennials, not relating to millennials and not understanding the horrible plight of the youth of America. Well, I am going to bust that myth. If I don’t, feel free to let me know. We have a comments section at the end of each article.First, let’s start off with the lame excuses. I have children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces and other young relatives that have been born since 1980. That

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Billionaires for Open Borders

The Muckster has been hearing so much about open borders recently that he decided to look into it and find out who really wants to open up the borders. First of all, what in the heck are open borders anyway? Stupid question? Yeah, I guess so.The country appears to be divided on the subject. Some want any and all people to be able to enter the USA, or any country for that matter, at will.

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Printing the Declaration of Independence

Colonial printers held a rare position in the history of American printing. Printers in Great Britain had a legal monopoly on most printed material, such as the English-language Bible, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and all maps. American printers were limited to producing newspapers, almanacs, sermons, addresses, pamphlets, primers and other lesser items.Most colonial printers had additional businesses. They ran book stores, dry-goods stores and some were postmasters as well. Printers were editors, publishers, and distributors who wore

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IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

July, 1776 was a critical month in the history of the United States. The American Revolution was little more than a civil war. The Continental Army was outnumbered three to one by the British and their German mercenaries. The British Navy dominated the high seas, cutting off supplies and arms.America sought support both domestically and internationally. The Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to draft a declaration of independence which would clearly state the reasons for

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The UK says FU to the EU and Cameron

This is the third article concerning the British Referendum to Bremain or Brexit.The purpose of these articles are to inform the readers of the costs and benefits of remaining (Bremain) or exiting (Brexit) the European Union. Compare this struggle to what is happening in America. Much of the background information was written in the first article:The votes have been cast and the people have spoken.The British citizens have wisely rejected the European Union and have

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The UK plus the EU = PU

This is the second article concerning the British Referendum to Bremain or Brexit.The purpose of these articles are to inform the readers of the costs and benefits of remaining (Bremain) or exiting (Brexit) the European Union. Try to compare this to what is happening in America. Much of the background information was written in the first article: http://2020americabook.com/to-eu-or-not-eu-that-is-the-question/ The principle objectives of Brexit and Bremain are:Children’s benefits:Bremain – Migrant workers will still be able to

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To EU or not EU, That is the Question

Are you all gaga about what is going on across the pond? Does anyone really care? I presume we should all be interested since America decided to leave the UK 240 years ago. Now the UK is having a referendum on whether to leave the EU, or stay. What impact does that have on the US after all of these years?In an all-out effort to bring you information you cannot receive from the Main Stream

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ISIS: Evil in Orlando

The following is the seventh installment in the series of stories that depict the foundation of ISIS; the continuing saga of the “Pedal to the Metal” Islamic Jihad Extremist Terrorism Organization Franchises (IJETOF) movement in southwestern Asia; and the unending deaths of our brave patriots. This article is a continuation of the sixth installment and picks up the Timeline of Evil in 2016 AD (The Year of the Lord) and includes the “Evil in Orlando.”We

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ISIS: The Timeline of Evil Continues

The following is the sixth installment in the series of stories that depict the foundation of ISIS; the continuing saga of the “Pedal to the Metal” Islamic Jihad Extremist Terrorism Organization Franchises (IJETOF) movement in southwestern Asia; and the unending deaths of our brave patriots. This article is a continuation of the fifth installment and picks up the Timeline of Evil in 2015 AD (The Year of the Lord).  2015 AD (2015 CE)January 7 — Two

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ISIS: The Timeline of Evil

The following is the fourth installment in the series of stories that depict the foundation of ISIS; the continuing saga of the “Pedal to the Metal” Islamic Jihad Extremist Terrorism Organization Franchises (IJETOF) movement in southwestern Asia; and the unending deaths of our brave patriots.The Islamic State, a powerful and well-organized terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria, poses a significant threat to the stability of the region and to US national security as well. Since

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ISIS: Theocracy out of Control

The following is the Third installment in a series of stories that depict the foundation of ISIS; the continuing saga of the “Pedal to the Metal” Islamic Jihad Extremist Terrorism Organization Franchises (IJETOF) movement in southwestern Asia; and the unending deaths of our brave patriots. ISIS is identified as killing lots of people, both Muslims and Christians. They destroy cities, art and artifacts. They destroy religious symbols of all types. They carry out public beheadings,

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ISIS: The Evil Begins

The following is the second installment in a series of articles that depict the foundation of ISIS; the continuing saga of the “Pedal to the Metal” Islamic Jihad Extremist Terrorism Organization Franchises (IJETOF) movement in southwestern Asia; and the unending deaths of our brave patriots. ISIS has been rolling into all parts of Syria and Iraq in those Toyota pickup trucks portrayed in my previous article Where did All of those Toyota Pick-ups Come From?They

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Where did All of those Toyota Pick-ups Come From?

The following is the first installment in a series of articles that depict the foundation of ISIS; the continuing saga of the “Pedal to the Metal” Islamic Jihad Extremist Terrorism Organization Franchises (IJETOF) movement in southwestern Asia and Africa; and the unending deaths of our brave patriots. Whenever the Muckster sees an ISIS story on TV, or reads and internet article on ISIS, the scene always starts with an endless parade of Toyota pickup trucks.

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Clinton’s Advance Knowledge of Benghazi – Part II

The following is the second installment of the story that depicts the cover-up of the destruction of our embassy in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 and the deaths of four of our brave patriots. The Obama Administration falsely claimed the raid on, and the death of, Osama vin Laden as his triumph and based the victory over al-Qaeda as the reason he should be re-elected President in 2012. None of this, of course, was true.

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Clinton’s Advance Knowledge of Benghazi – Part I

The following is the first installment of the story that depicts the cover-up of the destruction of our embassy in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 and the deaths of four of our brave patriots. The Obama Administration falsely claimed the raid on, and the death of, Osama vin Laden as his triumph and based the victory over al-Qaeda as the reason he should be re-elected President in 2012. The Muckster got into a lot

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Dysfunction in the Bathroom

In 20/20: A Clear Vision for America I wrote: The United States is at a crisis point. Dysfunction in Washington is rampant. The economy is crumbling. The country is on the wrong course. Solutions are scarce and appear unwanted by politicians. This book, “20/20: A Clear Vision for America” brings rock-solid solutions to make our nation prosperous again, explains how to reinstate our Constitution, and how to give our children and grandchildren a bright future.

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Can Hillary Trump Donald? Part 2

In Part I of this article, I described the presidential candidates and why they should be elected. In this article, I explain why they should not be elected. I then give my prediction of what will happen on November 8, 2016 and what will happen in 2017. Does the insider, Clinton and/or another Democrat to be named later have more clout than the outsiders, Trump or Sanders? What if the “RINOs” decide they want a

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Can Hillary Trump Donald? Part I

People ask me, who will be the next president? I’m the only one who is not yet certain who the candidates will be. So why ask me? Well. I do have a few scenarios that seem to be gathering steam. Does the insider, Clinton and/or another Democrat to be named later have more clout than the outsiders, Trump or Sanders? What if the “RINOs” decide they want a different candidate than Trump? What if President

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No Justice for “We the People”

The nomination of Chief Judge Merrick Garland by President Obama was sent to, and received by, the Senate on March 16, 2016. That’s two months ago, or about 60 days. The question is, should a sitting president in the last year of his elected term be allowed to nominate a candidate for the Supreme Court, or should “We the People” wait for the next/new President to make the nomination. President Obama has every right to nominate

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Sister Sally’s Miraculous Escape from Evil

The Miraculous Escape of Sister Sally Is ISIS the Face of Evil? If not, what is? Why did Sister Sally live to tell this story? People found it hard to believe after World War II that some fellow human beings could be so evil. The manner in which ISIS members are carrying out their genocide of Christians in the Mid-East, Asia, Africa, Indonesia and worldwide is even more brutal and evil than that of the

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Angry Bird or Screamin’ Meanie?

“Why am I losing friends so fast?  I always thought I was a nice guy.” I seem to have this problem when I meet women. The Muckster did it again this week. This time at an informal condo association dinner. I should have known from the Christmas Party (December 31, 2015 Article) to keep my mouth shut. Here’s how it all unfolded. One of the ladies, Gloria, at the long dinner table at El Charro’s

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Tell That to the Marines!

In stunning fashion today, an anonymous source was overheard stating the administration was making plans to disband the United States Marine Corps. The high-ranking official was heard to say this is unfinished business left over from the Truman and Carter Administrations, among others, who tried in vain to break up the United States Marine Corps. This reminded one when in 2010 the Washington Post quoted an Obama administration official as saying, We have better operational

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Powerball: The American Stupid Tax

The “American Stupid Tax” has already accomplished two monumental things in this young year of 2016. People are paying more money into another failed government program while the payouts decrease. Okay, you think the Muckster has really lost it this time. You point out that the Powerball Payout is up to $1.3 billion – the highest in recorded history. What’s not to like? I’ve painted myself into the proverbial corner. Now I have to explain the unexplainable

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Bill Muckler Appears on the Southern Sense Radio Show

Southern Sense is a show of conservative talk on news and events, with Annie “The Radio Chick” Ubelis as host and Curtis “CS” Bennett, co-host.  Informative, fun, irreverent and politically incorrect, you never know where we’ll go, but you’ll love the journey! Visit at http://www.Southern-Sense.com, become a member and follow us on Facebook. 20/20: A Clear Vision for America The United States is at a crisis point. The economy is crumbling. Dysfunction in Washington is epidemic.

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2016 New Year Predictions: Foresight or Folly?

It’s that time again. Making resolutions and making predictions.  My 2016 resolution is to expose all politicians and all media blowhards for the frauds they are. That was easy. The Muckster has spoken. Now the hard part. What will happen in 2016? Do I have the mucking foresight to forecast the future, or am I as foolish as all of the rest of the prognosticators? Check back on December 31, 2016 to find the answers.

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The President’s Last Day

I recently attended a Christmas Party and had the typical questions put before me. “Who are you voting for to be our next president, or some such variation.” I then give my standard answer. “I have not seen any one candidate that has exhibited the type of leadership I see as required to lead this great republic; and I have not heard one candidate elaborate a vision or a plan as extensive or brilliant as

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The President’s Second Day

Now that you know what the new president has accomplished on the first day, you may wonder who perpetuated the myth of the “first one hundred days in office.” What a joke. First 100 days. Get real. Get to work. As the new president, I will read the Presidential Daily Brief (PDB). This is a highly secret document that only I and handful of top advisors will see and then attend the daily meeting during

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The President’s First Day

What should the president do on the first day in office? Walk in a parade? Give a Speech? Attend innumerable banquets and parties? How about this for a novel way to start the new job. Go to work! New presidents have a transition team. I guess there is a lot to transition with such a large unwieldly government to take over. Here’s another novel idea. Streamline the government. The backbone of the country’s broken. We’re

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Executive Orders Run Amuck

If anybody knows about anything about “mucking” things up, it is your faithful servant and muckster. I have heard my name pronounced in more flavors than anyone could image. I’ve made it my calling in life to “muck it up” for the politicians and the media. Actually, they are mucking up America, I’m just attempting to keep the readers current with their mucking efforts. How’s this for a mucking nightmare? The Obama Administration has overseen more than

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Marine Toys for Tots Christmas Party

“Charity work is very important to me and gives me an opportunity to give back to my community. I’ve always been a big supporter of many different charities, have donated millions of dollars to them, and it just feels great to do and be able to help others, especially children.”  – Richard MacDonald, Sculptor WEDNESDAY MORNING. December 9, 2015 It’s the morning after the author of 20/20: A Clear Vision for America sponsored a Christmas

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